How to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog

How to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog in seven steps

9/29/20236 min read

How to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog in seven steps
How to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog in seven steps

How to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to discover and save ideas for various topics, such as fashion, travel, food, and more. Pinterest can also be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website or blog, if you know how to use it effectively. In this blog post, we will share with you some of the best ways to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog.

  • Do Pinterest keyword research. Keywords are words or phrases that users type into the search bar to find relevant content. By using keywords that match your niche and audience, you can increase the chances of your pins showing up in the search results and reaching more potential visitors. To do Pinterest keyword research, you can use the following methods:

  • Use the Pinterest search bar. Type in a broad keyword related to your niche and see what suggestions Pinterest gives you. These are popular keywords that users are searching for. You can also use the filters at the top of the search results to narrow down your keywords by category, format, or color.

  • Use Pinterest Trends. This is a feature that shows you the top trending searches on Pinterest over time. You can use it to find seasonal or timely keywords that are relevant to your niche and audience. You can also compare different keywords and see how they perform over time.

  • Use Pinterest Analytics. This is a tool that shows you how your pins and boards are performing on Pinterest. You can use it to find out which keywords are driving the most impressions, clicks, saves, and views to your pins and website. You can also see which keywords your audience is using to find your content.

  • Include keywords in your pin titles and descriptions. Once you have a list of keywords that you want to target, you need to include them in your pin titles and descriptions. This will help Pinterest understand what your pins are about and show them to users who are searching for those keywords. Your pin titles and descriptions should be clear, concise, and catchy. They should also include a call-to-action that encourages users to click through to your website or blog. For example, you can use phrases like “Learn more”, “Read more”, “Find out how”, or “Get the recipe”.

  • Use related keywords in your board titles and descriptions. Boards are collections of pins that are organized by topic or theme. They help users find and save pins that interest them. They also help Pinterest categorize your pins and show them to users who follow similar boards or topics. Therefore, you should use related keywords in your board titles and descriptions as well. For example, if you have a board about vegan recipes, you can use keywords like “vegan”, “plant-based”, “healthy”, or “delicious” in your board title and description.

  • Match your blog post title with your pin title. One of the easiest ways to drive traffic from Pinterest to your website or blog is by creating unique, original content specifically for Pinterest, and then using that pin to link back to your website or blog post. For instance, consider the infographic below , which I found when searching “best social media platforms” on Pinterest:

As you can see, the pin title matches the blog post title exactly: “Best Social Media Platforms for Business”. This creates consistency and clarity for the user who clicks on the pin and lands on the website or blog post. It also helps with SEO, as both the pin title and the blog post title include relevant keywords.

  • Create pin-worthy images, and use those images to link out to original content on your website or social pages. Images are the most important element of your pins, as they are what catch the user’s attention and make them want to click on your pin. Therefore, you should create high-quality, eye-catching, and relevant images for your pins. Here are some tips for creating pin-worthy images:

  • Use vertical images. Pinterest recommends using a 2:3 aspect ratio for your images, such as 1000 x 1500 pixels. Vertical images take up more space on the screen and are more likely to get noticed than horizontal images.

  • Use bright colors and contrast. Bright colors and contrast can make your images stand out from the crowd and attract more clicks. You can use tools like Canva or PicMonkey to edit your images and adjust their brightness, saturation, contrast, and filters.

  • Use text overlays. Text overlays are words or phrases that you add on top of your images to convey your message or value proposition. They can help users understand what your pin is about and why they should click on it. You should use clear, readable fonts and colors that match your brand identity and image style.

  • Use branding elements. Branding elements are logos, icons, watermarks, or other visual elements that identify your brand or business. They can help users recognize your pins and trust your content. You should use branding elements sparingly and strategically, so that they don’t distract from your image or message.

  • Engage with your audience. Pinterest is not only a visual search engine, but also a social media platform. You should interact with your audience regularly and build relationships with them. Here are some ways to engage with your audience on Pinterest:

  • Respond to their comments and messages. You should reply to any comments or messages that you receive on your pins or boards. You can thank them for their feedback, answer their questions, or provide additional information or resources. This will show them that you care about their opinions and needs and increase their loyalty and trust.

  • Ask for their feedback. You can also ask your audience for their feedback on your pins or content. You can ask them what they think, what they want to learn more about, or what they struggle with. This will help you understand your audience better and create content that meets their expectations and solves their problems.

  • Join relevant conversations. You can also join relevant conversations that are happening on Pinterest or related topics. You can use the search bar or the following tab to find pins, boards, or topics that interest you or relate to your niche. You can then comment on those pins, boards, or topics and share your thoughts, insights, or tips. This will help you reach new audiences, increase your exposure, and establish your authority and credibility.

  • Encourage user-generated content. User-generated content is any content that is created by your audience, such as photos, videos, reviews, testimonials, or stories. You can encourage user-generated content by creating contests, challenges, or campaigns that invite your audience to share their own pins or content related to your brand or niche. You can then feature their content on your own pins, boards, or website and give them credit and recognition. This will help you create more engagement, loyalty, and social proof.

  • Apply for Rich Pins. Rich Pins are pins that include extra information from your website or blog, such as product prices, availability, ratings, ingredients, or instructions. They can help users get more information about your pins and content without leaving Pinterest. They can also help you drive more traffic to your website or blog, as they make your pins more attractive, informative, and actionable.

To apply for Rich Pins, you need to have a business account on Pinterest and verify your website or blog with Pinterest. You also need to add metadata to your website or blog using markup, oEmbed, or Open Graph tags. You can use tools like Yoast SEO or Rank Math to add metadata to your WordPress site easily.

Once you have added metadata to your site, you need to validate one URL from your site using the Rich Pin Validator tool on Pinterest. If the validation is successful, you will see a message saying “Your Pin’s been validated!”. You can then apply for Rich Pins by clicking on the “Apply now” button.

You will receive an email from Pinterest once your Rich Pins are approved. It may take a few days for the approval process to complete.

These are some of the best ways to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or blog. For more tips and examples, you can check out these resources:

  • 6 Creative Strategies for Getting Traffic from Pinterest - HubSpot Blog1

  • 6 Tips for Driving More Website Traffic With Pinterest - MUO2

  • 7 tips to drive more traffic from Pinterest to your blog - Supermetrics3
    How To Increase Pinterest Traffic 2023 [The Ultimate List] - ThriveMyWay4