How to use WeChat for marketing your business in China

How to use WeChat for marketing your business in China

9/15/20234 min read

How to use WeChat for marketing your business in China
How to use WeChat for marketing your business in China

How to use WeChat for marketing your business in China

WeChat is the most popular social media platform in China, with over 1.2 billion monthly active users. It is not only a messaging and calling app, but also a multifunctional platform that offers various features and services, such as WeChat Pay, WeChat Mini Programs, WeChat Official Accounts, and WeChat Channels. WeChat can be a powerful tool for marketing your business in China, if you know how to use it effectively. In this blog post, we will share with you some of the best practices for WeChat marketing.

  1. Set up a WeChat Official Account. A WeChat Official Account is a public profile that allows you to communicate with your followers, share content, and provide services. There are two types of WeChat Official Accounts: Subscription Accounts and Service Accounts. Subscription Accounts are mainly used for content distribution and can send one message per day to their followers. Service Accounts are mainly used for providing services and can send four messages per month to their followers. Service Accounts also have access to more advanced features, such as WeChat Pay, WeChat Mini Programs, and customer service.

To set up a WeChat Official Account, you need to have a Chinese business license or partner with a local agency that can register the account for you. You also need to verify your account by paying a fee of 300 RMB (about 46 USD) per year.

  1. Create quality content. Content is the key to attract and retain your followers on WeChat. You should create content that is relevant, valuable, and engaging for your target audience. You can use different formats, such as text, images, videos, audio, or live streaming. You can also use interactive features, such as polls, quizzes, or games.

You should also optimize your content for search and discovery. You should use keywords that match your niche and audience in your titles, descriptions, tags, and content. You should also use catchy titles and eye-catching cover images that entice users to click on your content.

  1. Use WeChat Mini Programs. WeChat Mini Programs are sub-applications that run within the WeChat app. They can provide various functions and services, such as e-commerce, gaming, education, entertainment, and more. They are convenient and fast to use, as they do not require downloading or installing.

You can use WeChat Mini Programs to enhance your marketing strategy on WeChat. For example, you can create a mini e-commerce store that allows users to browse and buy your products without leaving the app. You can also create a mini game that promotes your brand or product in a fun way.

You can create your own WeChat Mini Program using the WeChat Mini Program Platform or hire a professional developer to do it for you.

  1. Engage with your followers. Engagement is essential for building trust and loyalty with your followers on WeChat. You should interact with your followers regularly and provide them with value and benefits. Here are some ways to engage with your followers on WeChat:

  • Respond to their comments and messages. You should reply to any comments or messages that you receive on your WeChat Official Account or WeChat Mini Program. You can thank them for their feedback, answer their questions, or provide additional information or resources.

  • Ask for their feedback. You can also ask your followers for their feedback on your content or products. You can ask them what they think, what they want to learn more about, or what they struggle with.

  • Join relevant conversations. You can also join relevant conversations that are happening on WeChat or related topics. You can use the search bar or the following tab to find content, accounts, or topics that interest you or relate to your niche.

  • Encourage user-generated content. User-generated content is any content that is created by your followers, such as photos, videos, reviews, testimonials, or stories. You can encourage user-generated content by creating contests, challenges, or campaigns that invite your followers to share their own content related to your brand or niche.

  • Offer incentives and rewards. You can also offer incentives and rewards to your followers for engaging with your content or products. For example, you can offer coupons, discounts, free samples, or loyalty points.

  1. Leverage influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that involves collaborating with influencers who have a large and loyal following on social media platforms. Influencers can help you reach new audiences, increase your brand awareness, and drive more traffic and sales.

You can leverage influencer marketing on WeChat by working with influencers who are relevant to your niche and audience. You can find influencers on platforms such as Parklu or KOL Store. You can also use tools such as Newrank or SocialPeta to analyze their performance and influence.

You can collaborate with influencers in various ways, such as:

  • Sponsored content. You can pay influencers to create and share content that features your brand or product on their WeChat Official Account or WeChat Mini Program.

  • Product reviews. You can send influencers your products for free and ask them to review them on their WeChat Official Account or WeChat Mini Program.

  • Giveaways. You can partner with influencers to host giveaways that require users to follow your WeChat Official Account or WeChat Mini Program, like and share your content, or tag their friends.

  • Live streaming. You can invite influencers to join your live streaming sessions on WeChat and interact with your followers, showcase your products, or answer their questions.